The chain this piece of believes that many friends in optimizing job very seriously, because it is an integral part of site optimization. And as for the optimization of the novice, we may at first is just in the notice on the amount of the chain, and ignore the chain of correlation problem, and happened to the chain of correlation is indeed a very crucial factors. So why? The author SEO and UEO from two directions: why the chain said analysis of correlation is very important
一、從SEO角度分析(Analyzed from SEO)隨著SEO技術的普及與改進,出現了很多相當牛x的SEOer,這些SEOer可以在不同行業類型的站點發布外鏈,但是搜索引擎真的能夠識別我們發的內容是什么,內容的質量好壞嗎?或許搜索引擎可以判斷一篇文章是否是原創,可以從該文章是否在網絡上被大量重復,但是它卻不能很好的識別此文章的質量高低,只能通過用戶的行為去判斷,因此當我們到一些不相關的站點論壇發布帖子建設外鏈時,那么外鏈的相關性方面肯定是做的很差的,比如我們做服裝銷售的站點的,到優化類型的站點發布外鏈,這樣就完全偏離了我們站點主題;其實搜索引擎判斷一篇文章是關于什么的,從關鍵詞的密度中就可以識別,當一篇帖子跟站點的主題不相關,那么搜索引擎自熱而然會調低這個鏈接所獲得的權重值。
With the popularization and the improvement technology SEO, there are many quite cattle x SEOer, these SEOer can be on different types of the website publishing industry chain, but the search engine really able to identify what is the content of the we hair, the quality of content good or bad? Perhaps a search engine to judge an article is original, from the article is in the network by many repeat, but it's not very good recognition, this article quality high and low, only through the user behavior to judge, so when we are not related to the construction site BBS post the chain, then the correlation of the chain in the poor is certainly do, like we do clothing sales site, to optimize type of website publishing the chain, thus completely deviate from our site theme; In fact the search engine to judge a article is about what of, from the density of keywords can identify, as a son with the site's theme not related, so that a search engine from hot but downgrade the link for weights.
二、從UEO角度分析(From UEO Angle analysis)如今搜索引擎現在越來越注重用戶體驗這一塊,而作為我們優化人員也不能忽視UEO用戶體驗優化這一塊。搜索引擎會根據用戶的訪問行為來分析一篇文章內容的價值,能夠為用戶提供好的服務、為用戶解決遇到的需求問題的內容自然排名也是會比較靠前的,隨著搜索引擎的不斷更新,如今排名前幾頁的,一般都不再是垃圾的
Now the search engine now pay more and more attention to the user experience the piece, and as we optimize their also cannot ignore UEO user experience to optimize the pieces. Search engines will be according to the user's access to the analysis of the behavior an article content of value, to provide users with good service for customers to solve, the demand of the content of the problems met in nature is also will be in front, as search engine update ceaselessly, now the top a few pages, general is not the content of the garbage, the following author to seo is what mean the key words, for example, we can see the number one organic site (excluding baidu their products) :
We found that seo is the key words what the competition is very big, but why technology site will row in the first place, we analyze the content, find this site and content is very good interprets the seo the meaning of the term, so as to solve the needs of the users.
The chain for us, we can say that the search engine is through the user behavior to judge the quality of the chain, such as our site is about clothing sales industry, if you put the information is sent in car sales industry BBS, even if your content son again good, the user will not go to further understand, because users in the automobile BBS mainly is to get car of relevant information, the information you are unable to obtain favour, natural search engine can't give high weight.
The site's optimization always without the support of the chain, although the correlation of the site quality whether or UEO chain SEO terms are more high quality, but after all, limited resources, can give us release of chain site will is not much, so we pay attention to in the chain of correlation, while also pay attention to diversification, the diversity of the chain will let our website to play out better effect.